Careers @ GTAC

Sessional staff

GTAC offers students who are undertaking a PhD in cell and molecular biology and related fields the opportunity to work on a casual basis as “STEM Coaches”. The STEM Coach is integral to all GTAC programs provided to primary and secondary students and their teachers.

GTAC programs are designed to excite and engage young participants in contemporary life sciences. The role of the STEM Coach is to facilitate participation and dialogue as students apply research grade equipment to investigate a given scenario. The role of the STEM Coach includes:

  • Engaging students by providing insights into the nature of scientific research and related career opportunities.
  • Guiding small groups of five to seven students as they apply research grade equipment to explore life sciences.
  • Explaining concepts and demonstrating laboratory techniques such as gel electrophoresis, PCR, sterile technique, pipetting, microscopy, etc.
  • Encouraging students to participate through effective questioning and positive reinforcement.
  • Ensuring that safety procedures are followed.

STEM Coaches are also offered the opportunity to join GTAC staff on metropolitan and rural outreach programs, to develop learning resources and attend special events.

STEM Coaches need to be confident in their knowledge base about cell and molecular biology, have clear communication skills and have a genuine interest in working with young people to enhance their learning and impart a passion for the life sciences.

To find out more about sessional work at GTAC, please contact the GTAC Director, describing your current work and details of your work experience and skill base. Close proximity to the GTAC facility is an advantage.

Click here to express your interest in working at GTAC as a STEM Coach (sessional staff)


Work experience for secondary school students

GTAC and CSL are proud to offer our Science Immersion Research Experience (SIRE) program, an engaging and rewarding work experience program for Victorian students. Students experience what it is like to be part of the GTAC and CSL teams and use research grade equipment to contribute to cutting edge science experiments being conducted by CSL.  Click here for more information.


Education officer/support staff

Opportunities for employment at GTAC are posted on the Department of Education Training Jobs website.