Active immunity – Triggering the humoral immune response to generate memory – Online course

Whooping cough is a disease caused by infection with the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. One effective strategy to prevent this disease is to train your immune system to quickly recognise and eliminate the toxin Bordetella pertussis releases. This training is initiated by the Pertussis vaccine.

In this course you will explore how the Pertussis vaccine, and others like it, are able to train the adaptive (specific) humoral immune system to prevent illness and protect vulnerable people around you.


When you have completed this course, check out our other immunology courses:

Active immunity - The adaptive (specific) immune response to extracellular pathogens which explores Humoral immunity

Active immunity - The adaptive (specific) immune response to intracellular pathogens which explores Cell-mediated immunity


Level - VCE Biology Unit 4

Estimated duration - 10 minutes

Note this course is part of a sequence of courses and builds on content covered in "Active immunity - The adaptive (specific) immune response to extracellular pathogens". It is recommended you have covered previous content before starting this course.


Click the 'Activate this course' button below, then click "Vaccination for extracellular pathogens" in the list that appears below to begin.