
GTAC provides an innovative and collaborative educational environment in which Victorian students and Educators access life sciences expertise through engagement with practicing scientists and contemporary knowledge and technology.

GTAC is bound by the Victorian privacy laws and the Information Privacy Act 2000 as well as other laws that impose specific obligations in regard to handling personal information that directly or indirectly identifies a person. The privacy policy and principles in this document are in accordance with these laws.

GTAC is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information. This Privacy Policy embodies this commitment. The policy supports GTAC’s need to collect information and the right of the individual to privacy. It ensures that GTAC can collect personal information necessary for its services and functions, while recognising the right of individuals to have their information handled in ways that they would reasonably expect and in ways that protect the privacy of their personal information.


Personal information is collected and used by GTAC for the following purposes:

  • to provide services and/or to carry out statutory functions
  • to assist GTAC to fulfil its duty of care to students
  • to plan, fund, monitor and evaluate GTAC’s services and functions
  • to comply with reporting requirements.

GTAC has adopted the Privacy Principles in the Victorian privacy laws as minimum standards in relation to handling personal information. In broad terms, this means that GTAC:

  • collects only information which is required for a specified primary purpose
  • ensures that the person supplying the information knows why the information is collected and how it will be handled
  • uses and discloses it only for the primary or a directly related purpose, or for another purpose with the person's consent (unless otherwise required, permitted or authorised by law)
  • stores it securely, protecting it from unauthorised access, retains it for the period authorised by the Public Records Act 1973, and takes reasonable steps to permanently de-identify personal information when it is no longer needed
  • provides people with access to their own personal information and permits people to seek corrections if necessary.


A complaint about information privacy is an expression of dissatisfaction with GTAC's procedures, staff or quality of service associated with the collection or handling of personal information. GTAC will be efficient and fair when investigating and responding to information privacy complaints. The process for investigation and response to these complaints can be obtained by contacting the GTAC Privacy Officer:


The key Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) are listed here. Only the key principles have been selected and are provided in summary. The full exceptions qualifying many of the principles are not included.

Collection: GTAC must collect only personal information that is necessary for performance or functions. Individuals should be told why this information is required, what it will be used for and that they can gain access to their personal information.

Use and disclosure: GTAC must only use or disclose personal information:

  • for the primary purpose for which it was collected
  • unless otherwise required, permitted or authorised by law principles.

Data quality: GTAC and users must make sure personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

Access and correction: Individuals have a right to seek access to their personal information and make corrections.

Sensitive information: The Information Privacy Act 2000 restricts collection of sensitive information about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political views, religious beliefs, sexual preferences, membership of groups or criminal record. GTAC will apply IPP10 when collecting and handling sensitive information.

Contact GTAC’s Privacy Officer by email: enquiries.

For information on the Victorian privacy laws see Privacy Victoria.