Professional Learning
GTAC offers a range of Professional Learning events for teachers, pre-service teachers and laboratory technicians throughout the year. Ranging from support for first-time Biology teachers through to forums where leading scientists share their stories and expertise, attendees consistently comment that events are engaging, contemporary and have a significant impact on their practice. Teachers can also count their hours of attendance towards their VIT professional development requirement.
VCE Unit 3 & 4 Overviews
We are excited to announce the dates for our acclaimed VCE Biology Unit overviews in 2024. These full day PL programs unpack a Unit of the VCAA Biology Study Design and showcase many of the support materials that can be accessed through the GTAC website including:
- Rich narratives, learning activities and practical tasks designed to engage students in the subject matter and to equip them with key skills and knowledge.
- Study aids and resources that help students explicitly apply skills.
- Details for the purchase of consumables.
Cost: $130.00 (excludes GST) per participant with lunch and refreshments included
For more information and to register for these events follow the links provided below:
Overview of VCE Unit 3 Biology
A full day Professional Learning program designed to assist teachers with delivery of the Unit 3 Biology curriculum. Click here to find out more.
Overview being held Thursday 1st February
Overview of VCE Unit 4 Biology
A full day Professional Learning program designed to assist teachers with delivery of the Unit 4 Biology curriculum. Click here to find out more.
Overview being held Thursday 30th May
Previous professional learning events
Active learning strategies for the revised VCE Biology study design 2022 - 2026
Support materials for teaching a selection of new concepts and skills in the 2022 – 2026 VCE Biology study design. Resources that were featured in this workshop can be found on their relevant VCE Biology Unit page in our Teacher Resources section.
Overview of VCE Unit 1 Biology
A full day Professional Learning program designed to assist teachers with delivery of the Unit 1 Biology curriculum. Resources that were featured in this workshop can be found on their relevant VCE Biology Unit page in our Teacher Resources section.
Overview of VCE Unit 2 Biology
A full day Professional Learning program designed to assist teachers with delivery of the Unit 2 Biology curriculum. Resources that were featured in this workshop can be found on their relevant VCE Biology Unit page in our Teacher Resources section.
Laboratory Technician Professional Learning
Professional Learning events for Laboratory Technicians have been run by GTAC in the past. If you would like to receive notifications of future Laboratory Technician professional learning events, register as a teacher on the GTAC website and you will receive our emial notifications. Alternatively you can click here to add your email address to our mailing list.
We also deliver specially developed programs which in the past have included such topics as critical thinking in the classroom, enriching student experiences with digital tools and illuminating the mysteries of the brain. Register as a Teacher on the GTAC website to receive email notifications about upcoming special event professional learning programs.