Resources for teaching VCE Biology Unit 4
GTAC developed the following resources to complement the key knowledge points and key science skills for Unit 4 in the VCE Biology Study Design. Many of the resources feature in our Overview of Unit 4 Biology professional learning events.
Sample timeline for teaching VCE Biology Unit 4
The GTAC team has created a sample timeline for teaching VCE Biology Unit 4 with reference to the 2022 - 2026 VCE Biology Study Design. The sample timeline covers all key knowledge points from the study design but orders them so that they can be explored within overarching narratives (as indicated). Opportunities to utilise GTAC resources are indicated and the are also available on this page. Click here to view the timeline.
Modelling the adaptive (specific) immune responses
An activity in which students use props to role model the sequence of interactions required between immune cells to generate cell-mediated and humoral immune responses. Click here to view this resource.
Pathogen Attack: GTAC's immunology game
Students learn about the adaptive immune response by defending the body from pathogen attacks. Students can access this resource by clicking Students > Learning resources on the GTAC homepage. Click here to view more information and play this game.
Immunology animations
Two award winning animations showcasing the process of infection of the airways by Bordetella pertussis and the process of infection with Clostridium tetani. Click here to view these animations.
Active immunity: The adaptive (specific) humoral immune response
In this online course students explore the body's immune response to disease causing organisms that live in between your cells. They construct a flow chart of the sequence of steps required to generate this response. Students can access this resource by clicking Students > Online courses on the GTAC homepage. Click here to view this online course.
Active immunity: The adaptive (specific) cell-mediated immune response
In this online course students explore the body's immune response to disease causing organisms that hide inside your cells. They construct a flow chart of the sequence of steps required to generate this response. Students can access this resource by clicking Students > Online courses on the GTAC homepage. Click here to view this online course.
Active immunity: Triggering the humoral immune response to generate memory
In this online course students explore the nature of some vaccines and how they train your immune system to quickly eliminate disease causing organisms. Students can access this resource by clicking Students > Online courses on the GTAC homepage. Click here to view this online course.
Outbreak! Strategies to deal with the emergence of a new infectious disease
An online course in which students model DNA manipulation techniques to identify the pathogen responsible for an outbreak and propose strategies to prevent an pandemic. They assume the role of epidemiologists and use predictive modelling to predict the spread of the disease and the effectiveness of control measures. Click here to view this resource.
Strategies to deal with the emergence of an outbreak of foodborne disease
Students explore approaches applied by epidemiologists and pathologists to control an epidemic of bacterial foodborne disease. This resource can be used as the first in a sequence of resources that includes Antibiotics in Action and Unit 4 AOS3 Practical Investigation. Click here for more information on this resource.
Introduction to ethics
A series of resources that introduce students to some approaches and basic concepts involved in ethical analysis of a bioethical issue. Students can access the online course featured in this resource by clicking Students > Online courses on the GTAC homepage. Click here to view this resource.
Melanoma search and destroy - Monoclonal antibody treatments for melanoma
Students are introduced to a selection of monoclonal antibody treatments for melanoma, then play a game to explore the effectiveness of the treatments. Click here for more information and to view this resource.
Changing allele frequencies in a population
An online course where students use models to simulate the impact of the forces of evolution on allele frequencies in populations. Students can access this resource by clicking Students > Online courses on the GTAC homepage. Click here for more information on this resource.
Swift drift and occasional shift
Explore the mechanisms and consequences of viral antigenic shift and drift. Click here to view this resource.
The AGTC of molecular classification
Activities in which students work collaboratively to formulate a hypothesis on the relatedness of 4 species then test this using DNA sequence data. They then investigate the relationships between species of their own interest using gene sequences obtained from a global online database and online bioinformatics software. Click here to view these activities.
Models of human evolution
An online course in which students use fossil evidence to construct and critique models of human evolution. Click here for more information on this resource.
Molecular evidence for human evolution
Investigate relationships between modern humans and ancient hominins using nuclear genome data. Students can access this resource by clicking Students > Online courses on the GTAC homepage. Click here to view this resource.
Critically evaluating scientific posters
An online course in which students compare and contrast two scientific research posters on the same topic. Students critically evaluate each poster with the help of a scientific poster evaluation tool and make recommendations for improving the study and poster. Click here to view this resource.
Scientific poster templates
GTAC designed scientific poster templates for student investigations. Click here for more information on this resource.